The Art

When it comes to the artwork at Six String Music Studios we try to fuse our passion for music & art together. It doesn't always work that way, but still we try. With no formal training as an artist Rick Lally considers himself, self taught, and still learning. Artwork was never much of a focus for him until the recent years.  

The artwork is mainly acrylic paintings although there has been some other mediums involved in his works. All of the paintings are original one-of-a-kind pieces. Most of the works are very difficult to photograph because, often they have a great deal of mixtures and textures that change in different lighting situations. For that reason if you like the photo you'll probably like the actual painting even more. We don't spend a lot of time trying to capture the best possible photo as our time is better spent painting or making music. 

Currently available works are shown below as well as SOLD paintings  marked as SOLD. Thanks for visiting! 

Paintings for Sale

Cubical Guitar $450

City Roots $395

New Spring $90

Stale Moon $550

Red Sun $90

Festival Guitar $60

Paintings that Sold